Over provisioning? Samsung 850 evo 120gb


Mar 29, 2014
I was getting slightly lower sequential reads and higher random writes today on my 120gb 850 evo. Enabling overprovisioning(after reading up on it) at 10% and performance optimisation led to my random writes+reads to reach the white bars but my sequential reads took a heavy hit of around 200 and sequential writes by 100... This is a new drive around a week old so I'm confused atm.

Here's the comparison:

Was the first run just an outlier?
All SSD's slow down a bit after being used some. The difference between day 1 and day 7 is not detectable by a human... Unless they break out the benchmark tools and start running them again. And then suddenly they think they have a problem.

If you read SSD reviews, nearly all reviewers will have a section in the review where they work to get the unit into a "Steady State". This is the state where after a unit has been used for awhile stabilizes and reached the speeds that they will function at most of the time after having been used for awhile.

Looking at your charts, your random read IOPS is exactly the same. Writes are actually faster!!
Sequential read and writes will always drop some as you work towards reaching that steady state.

Remember, marketing ALWAYS brags about the "JUST FRESH OUT OF THE BOX" speeds. Those only last a very short time. And then you get to the steady state, and everything purrs on along at the real life speeds.


Mar 29, 2014

I actually read that before buying my first ssd, these benchmarks are like a couple of hours apart which is why I figured I'd ask since the drop was massive for the sequential reads but yeah I haven't seen a drop or increase in everyday tasks yet. Just wanted to make sure that I hadn't done anything wrong by running op and the performance optimisation. Thanks for your quick reply.