How To Disassemble Acer Power SE?



Hey guys, I was wondering how you take out the hard drive out of the Acer Power SE? Or the whole drive cage? I looked for a manual online but there were none on Acer's site. I unscrewed the two screws that were on the right side of the hard drive bay & there are two other screws that I can't get to, the other side of it is very hard to get to. The drive bay is also in the way of me installing RAM in it too because the RAM is directly underneath the drive bay.


Thanks, but one more thing. The Acer Power SE I have has me worried a little bit. When I mean that, I mean about how the heatsink clips on, I have a Socket 370 motherboard (Pentium III) & the heatsink falls a little bit off each time I turn the computer to it's normal position, how do I keep the clips on tight for the heatsink to stay on?
thats with the metal clip? where the metal goes through the center and clips on to a plastic tab either side?

if so they shouldnt move unless the metal clip has changed shape

either take the metal clip out and put a bit more bend in it so its tigher when connected

or far as i remember you can use a socket A/462 heatsink on those and that clips on to all 3 plastic tabs instead of just one

though its a long time since i used that hardware


I tried bending the metal clip, things did not work out. The other part that holds it it in place broke off, so I only have one part to hold it in with. Any improvisations? Or should I purchase a new Socket 370 Heatsink or Socket A/462?


That looks more secure, & I think I'll have less of a hassle taking it off when I have to get to the processor, right?


I'm surprised that a AMD heatsink could fit into a Intel motherboard. Do you have any suggestions on an affordable socket A heatsink?
you would need to double check socket A will fit--it was a long time ago when i used that sort of stuff so i could be remembering wrongly

and cant really remember the heatsink i used then so not sure which one i could recommend

there probably wont be that many to choose from nowadays as its older stuff