Everything seems to be working but no bios display or past beeps


May 3, 2015
First build, everything turns on, fans, LEDs, gpu fan, but no display at boot. No beeps either during post, the red cpu light is on does that mean my CPU is dead? If so I got it from new egg I'm assuming I rma it? I know I'm a noob.
And yes hdmi is plugged into video card not mobo.
quite a few newer motherboards dont come with built in speakers, they might supply one for u to add, into the motherboard header, which the manual will tell u where it is, if u have a speaker to add. If there is a speaker and no beeps or visual post, then something is probably up or wrong.

Take the gpu out of the motherboard and try the integrated graphics, if it has it, which by ur statement it does.

As above, a full specs list is nice to know
quite a few newer motherboards dont come with built in speakers, they might supply one for u to add, into the motherboard header, which the manual will tell u where it is, if u have a speaker to add. If there is a speaker and no beeps or visual post, then something is probably up or wrong.

Take the gpu out of the motherboard and try the integrated graphics, if it has it, which by ur statement it does.

As above, a full specs list is nice to know