Thinking about switching to air cooling from H2O 1250

Dashton Peccia

Apr 30, 2015
Hey guys,
My computer has been running fairly hot (its a FX 8350) and I am an extreme stickler for heat, in other words when my CPU hits the upper 40 degrees Celsius mark I begin to get worried, and high 50's is when I start freaking out. I am currently using an Antec H2O 1250, and I've read many reviews about it that say it's not that great of a cooler; also, from my personal experience, the first 1250 that I had ended up partially failing resulting in bad outcomes for my motherboard and CPU at the time... I really don't like this cooler and somewhat regret purchasing it. Currently my idle temperatures for my CPU are around 35-40 degrees Celsius, and under max load (Star Citizen on ultra) its hit 60 degrees Celsius -- and I never want to see it get that high again (please let me know if I am being overly paranoid). I was really thinking about air cooling because of my bad experiences with liquid cooling in the past, so what coolers do you guys recommend that can keep my processor nice and cool? I was looking at the Noctua NH-D14 or NH-D15 coolers, would I see much if any of a cooling difference between these and the cooler that I have now? Any other recommendations are welcome.

Dashton Peccia

Apr 30, 2015