replace and clone HDD with a larger HDD or SSD or Hybrid


May 6, 2015
I want to replace the C drive on my laptop with a cloned larger HDD SSD or Hybrid. However, when looking at the forum it appears to be a minefield. Can anyone suggest how I perform the clone and replace the exisisting drive without having any problems such as copying these extra partitions which I know nothing about. My laptop is an Acer Aspire 5750 and the existing 500GB drive will be used to replace the DVD. I do not want to do a complete reinstall it took me over a week to recover everything when Microsoft messed up that download a while back and totally crashed everything leaving me unable to boot/repair etc.
There are a number of freely-available disk-cloning programs available on the net. (I'm assuming you're interested in a free version of that type of program.) Here's two of them... and

The important consideration before using any disk-cloning program is to ensure that the disk you will be cloning is problem-free, i.e., it boots & functions without any problems. Because if you clone garbage, garbage is what you're going to get, capiche?