5°C Variation between cores cause for concern over thermal paste?


Aug 17, 2010
So the temperatures at idle on my 2500k I assembled last week tend to hover between 21­-23°C for cores 1-3, but core 0 always hangs around 27-29°C. At load the difference isn't quite that large, usually around 3-4°C rather than 6°C. I know some variation between cores is normal, but when is the difference large enough to go from normal, to cause for questioning the seating of the heat-sync & application of the thermal paste? If it has any effect the package temperature reading always appears to be exactly in sync with the core 0 reading.

CPU is set at 42x multiplier, and 1.2v Vcore on a CM Hyper 612.

I'm thinking i'm just worrying too much, but figured it didn't hurt to double check.