Hello!! I have coverted my internal hard disk to extrenal usb drive using casing.. After connecting it to pc it shows up unall

Hi there World Unlocker,

You should really provide some information regarding the issue you are facing.

Do you have data stored on the drive? In case you do, you can just attach it internally and back up the data stored on it.
In case you don't have any data stored on the drive, you can just allocate the unallocated storage space in Disk Management.

Hi there World Unlocker,

You should really provide some information regarding the issue you are facing.

Do you have data stored on the drive? In case you do, you can just attach it internally and back up the data stored on it.
In case you don't have any data stored on the drive, you can just allocate the unallocated storage space in Disk Management.
