GTA V PC on HD 4600 question


Mar 21, 2015
Hi, i have a i5 4690k processor, 8GB ram and i use iGPU. I just finished downloading the game and tried running it. I first looked on some youtube videos and its showing on their graphics settings they have 1792mb of graphics ram, while i only get 460mb for some reason, i have set 512mb max on bios for the dedicated ram. I still get 460mb ingame. How do i fix this? Thanks! I run Windows 8.1 64bit

your not listening...there is no "fixing" it. your iGPU is not enough to run the game in a playable fashion. if at all. As far as allocating more ram to you iGPU usually there is a setting in bios as well as on you desktop by right clicking, choosing intels iGPU properties and then setting the video memory manually from there. If you cannot do so your set-up simply may not allow it all together as yours is doing. you set it to 512mb but the reason you get 460mb is windows uses some of that ram to render the desktop. sorry but your set-up just is not capable.


To be honest even if you do "fix it" the iGPU is not enough for GTA V. You need a dedicated card to play this game at even low settings with no filtering. Hell i run 2 GTX 980s for my system @1080p and even then i cannot max the game completely and stay above 60FPS. GTA V is a very GPU hungry game.



your not listening...there is no "fixing" it. your iGPU is not enough to run the game in a playable fashion. if at all. As far as allocating more ram to you iGPU usually there is a setting in bios as well as on you desktop by right clicking, choosing intels iGPU properties and then setting the video memory manually from there. If you cannot do so your set-up simply may not allow it all together as yours is doing. you set it to 512mb but the reason you get 460mb is windows uses some of that ram to render the desktop. sorry but your set-up just is not capable.

PER the game maker you need a dedicated Video Card. Your computer does NOT have one.
You can't play the game, period. If this is a desktop you will have to look at upgrading (i.e. buy a GPU card capable, around $300 like the GTX 970 or such). If this is a laptop it is NOT MEANT for gaming and you can NOT upgrade it.



my point exactly


Nov 24, 2014
I'm the exact opposite. For some reason i seem to have 4030 MB'S playing GTA V with the integrated graphics yet it still seems to bottleneck with an 8gb of ram. The solution to your question would be to go to your peripherals and force the max amount if you wish of the IGPU in your biosbut be aware that this could fry your board if played for very long. Also the reason why you possibly have only 460 is maybe you have a setting where most of the graphics memory is set to perform better for movies. Also don't listen to these dudes cuz there wrong. GTA V is playable with the igpu if you put the settings to lowest. Won't be the best experience but it is playable. You will run into bottlenecking now and again just too add