I'm planning on getting a gaming PC soon and I've narrowed it down to 2 different builds. One is $700 with an AMD Radeon Hd-78

Looks like your title was cut short.

I'd say the GPU is more important, at least in gaming. You can get by with a $60 CPU and a $130 GPU without any bottlenecking.

Though with any Radeon HD 78**+ series, you'd want to go for at least an Intel i3/AMD FX-63**.


Looks like your title was cut short.

I'd say the GPU is more important, at least in gaming. You can get by with a $60 CPU and a $130 GPU without any bottlenecking.

Though with any Radeon HD 78**+ series, you'd want to go for at least an Intel i3/AMD FX-63**.
