How to get started selling gaming PCs?


Jun 13, 2015
Hey everyone, I'm just looking for some advice on where to sell gaming PCs. I built a couple for some friends and made a good little bit of pocket lint, and I'm interested in taking that to the next [entry] level. Now I know what I'm not going to be pumping out rigs like the pros or anything, but talent is being wasted and tuition is calling lol.

My target would be people looking to get into budget builds, the $400-$650 range. I would cut my profit margin back some to deliver a better overall product ($500 builds from my research only get people 4GB/1TB combo or 8GB/500GB combos in some cases, I'd be happy to deliver 1TB and 8GB of RAM by taking a little less profit).

I'm very aware of Amazon and eBay, but the issue is that with Amazon, fees are just completely insane if you aren't paying monthly as a seller, and they only send money every 14 days. The same applies for eBay, and they actually can hold your money up to 21 days unless you have been on the site for ~90 days and have 20 positive transactions, plus you can only sell up to $500 per month. In both cases, I'd be broke before I started because my money wouldn't turn around nearly as fast as I'd need it to in order to reinvest.

*Note: Just a no on craigslist, not even putting my life at risk like that...

There are a lot of teens, college students and gamers out there that want a nice rig to do some entry level gaming on without having to title pawn their car to do it, and I feel like I could help some people.

Last, all my rigs would include a gaming PC and Mouse, and are made to order (I'd order the parts and build it so people wouldn't worry about warranty or anything like that, and I'd split the cost of shipping in half with the buyer (so if it's $50, you would pay $25 and I'd take $25 out of my profit margin to match you). I understand that I'm not the first to do this and certainly won't be the last, but what good is a talent if you never use it. I'm very new to this site, so thank you so much for your input in advance!