Bought New components, PC wont boot on windows disk, i have no idea what is wrong.


Feb 7, 2013
after my PC took a fall off of my desk it wasnt working at all so i recently bought a brand new motherboard,SSD,and PSU. now that i have it all hooked up i try to boot off of my win7 disk and it always bluescreens after the windows is loading files screen is done. I have no clue what is wrong, help!
1. Your Windows disk may be an upgrade version. Download another Windows version/edition from Microsoft to see if it boots. A Windows 10 insider preview or a Linux distribution, a Rescue and Recovery CD like Hiren's Boot CD or UBCD, to detect and initiate the SSD.
2. Windows may not detect a HDD... you may need to initiate the SSD
3. The most likely cause: Your BIOS may need to be configured to detect the SSD... HDD controller settings set to AHCI or IDE Mode.
1. Your Windows disk may be an upgrade version. Download another Windows version/edition from Microsoft to see if it boots. A Windows 10 insider preview or a Linux distribution, a Rescue and Recovery CD like Hiren's Boot CD or UBCD, to detect and initiate the SSD.
2. Windows may not detect a HDD... you may need to initiate the SSD
3. The most likely cause: Your BIOS may need to be configured to detect the SSD... HDD controller settings set to AHCI or IDE Mode.