How many young people (before high school) play on PC?


Oct 8, 2014
I'm 13.5 and it seems like my school is one of the few in which a large percentage of boys play on the PC. (About 20-30%) As technology becomes cheaper and cheaper, it seems like PC gaming will become very common amongst the 13-15 age group. The internet will especially make this common, with Steam, custom pre-built PC companies such as Cyberpower or IBuypower, steam machines and tutorials on the net that will make the most tedious aspects of PC gaming solvable with a the click of a button. However, I am one of the few that built a PC themselves. (I don't feel like a special snowflake or anything for building a freakin computer, any 13 year old could do it.)
What do you think
Anyone with an hour and an internet connection can build a computer these days, they are pretty much more expensive legos at this point.
I see age deceasing as time goes on.