Win8.1 Blocking Digitally Unsigned Drivers WITH Enforcement disabled!?


Jun 19, 2014
I've tried multiple ways around this, but it's having none of it.

I want to use a piece of software which I won't actually name, and Windows is having none of it - Even though I'm disabling enforcement.

The software installation requires a restart at the end, just to make things clear.

I've tried:
Restarting and disabling driver enforcement
Installing the Software
Manually restarting and disabling driver enforcement

Installing the Software
Mnually restarting and disabling driver enforcement

Manually restarting and disabling driver enforcement
Installing the Software
Restarting as required by the installer itself

Every time, after the restart I receive the same message telling me that windows is blocking the installation of a digitally unsigned driver.
I know that the software is safe, I've used it many times in the past and I accidentally uninstalled an old version of it, and now it's happening - And I can't find the same version I used to use.

Please help me find a solution, thank you.