GeForce 9600 GT, Windows 10 This graphics driver could not find compatible graphics hardware


Jul 4, 2015
upgraded from win 8.1 Pro to win 10 Pro I started to test my apps all was looking great until I
launched Netflix the video fps sucked, and my second monitor was not working I found the display
settings was using Microsoft display drivers. I went to NVidia website and used auto-detect to
recognize my video card, and it did, no problem ( NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT ) DUAL CARDS
512Mb each I downloaded the Win 10 driver, then received the error message.
This graphics driver could not find compatible graphics hardware ?? I know this system is old
but it still works great, and I was hoping not to buy a new card, any suggestions would be great.
Thanks Emil
Thats most likely a bug with win10 or NVIDIA drivers. And on card that old they're probably not gonna fix it. You could try updating your motherboards BIOS, or trying different drivers for the GPU. Also taking the other card off could help
Thats most likely a bug with win10 or NVIDIA drivers. And on card that old they're probably not gonna fix it. You could try updating your motherboards BIOS, or trying different drivers for the GPU. Also taking the other card off could help