How much do you guys think these vintage CPUs are worth?


Oct 9, 2014
I was going through some old junk and I found several vintage boards and CPUs. 4 i286 boards...2 with the CPU in it made by AMD... 1 AMD Am386 board with CPU in it. 1 intel i486Dx board with CPU and 2 Pentium 120s in a socket 7 board.

Typically vintage cpu parts like processors aren't worth much. They're just outdated tech unless you find a hobbyist who is a collector or uses them for craft projects. The vintage chips that would actually have some value would be ones that were somehow special. Part of a first run, an old engineering sample, the first of something - such as the first x86 cpu or first cpu used in the old original apple, the very first produced pentium etc. Something that makes it rare and marks a milestone and then only worth something to collectors interested in such things.



If someone really wants to buy them for an old system or to collect you might get a small pocket of cash. If not they are still good for book marks and paper weights. :D There are people that make jewelery out of such things.
Typically vintage cpu parts like processors aren't worth much. They're just outdated tech unless you find a hobbyist who is a collector or uses them for craft projects. The vintage chips that would actually have some value would be ones that were somehow special. Part of a first run, an old engineering sample, the first of something - such as the first x86 cpu or first cpu used in the old original apple, the very first produced pentium etc. Something that makes it rare and marks a milestone and then only worth something to collectors interested in such things.


Oct 9, 2014
Sorry for the delayed reply. I'm just going to hold on to them for now.. they might be worth more (or most likely less) in 50 or so years lol. I also found boxes of new intel epprom chips from 82 as well as 6 4004s and 10 8008s. not sure about those yet, but I will probably keep them.