Power turned off now computer won't boot


Dec 26, 2014
I was taking a shower and at some point my step-dad had to fix something with the electric, so he shut everything off in the powerbox. When I came back i saw my computer was off so i went to go turn it on and all i got were two short beeps, followed by nothing coming up on the screen. The lights to my mouse/keyboard/fans are working and i can hear the fans spinning, but nothing is coming up on my screen.

I have a feeling something got messed up when he shut off the power, but what do you think it is, the MOBO, or the PSU? I've been doing a bit of research and those two seem like the biggest suspects.
Go to your tower.
Look on the back of it.

Look at the power supply unit.
If it has a rocker switch on it, turn it to its off position.
Unplug the cord from it, from the plug in the wall socket.
Count ten seconds.
Then plug it back into the wall socket.
Flick the rocker switch back to it`s normal position on the back of the power supply unit.
And then press the power button on your system?
Did it work ? System fully power on.

If it did your dad tripped one of the power safety features of the power supply, and doing the steps above reset them so the power supply fully powers up the system. in order to clear the safety features you must perform the action above to clear and reset the PSU.
Resetting it`s power protection and fault features.
Ok sometimes a board will fail to post if your main system memory is damaged.
If you have more than one memory stick in the motherboard try one at a time in the first memory slot of your board.
Making sure it is seated right in the memory slot.

On a lot of boards 2 beeps relate to no memory detected or unreadable module.