Question about future windows OS.s and steam


Jun 4, 2013
I was wondering if something happened to Valve/Steam and they had to shut the service down but made it so you could download your steam client and games and run them offline, would future windows OS's like windows 12(or what ever crazy name they chose) would it be compatible with my current Steam games I have on my hard drive?
It's impossible to know since it's the future.

I'd say it's likely anything that runs under Windows 7 will run for at least one more version after 10. Microsoft tries to offer backwards compatibility with hardware and software for a pretty long time.
It's impossible to know since it's the future.

I'd say it's likely anything that runs under Windows 7 will run for at least one more version after 10. Microsoft tries to offer backwards compatibility with hardware and software for a pretty long time.
What you describe is the extremely low risk that is the danger of using online distribution services as opposed to physical media. If steam goes away, all the games you bought on it and all the money you spent are gone and you have no way to get them back.

It's extremely unlikely steam would go away unless everyone decided to stop using it though.