Which one is better r9 380 or gtx 960?


Jul 29, 2015
Some people say gtx 960 is better because of less power consumption and than the r9 380 heats up easily, but I saw a lot of benchmarks where the r9 380 beats the gtx 960, can someone please tell me which one is better and why.
Thank you



If you don't mind the slightly higher heat output i would stick with the R9 380. Also make sure your PSU can handle these GPU's, check out the PSU Requirements in the bottom right of this reply.

However after both of them are overclocked there performance will be near identical.

those people most likely don't read review. they just know 380 use more power thus come to silly conclusion about heat.

well that aside AMD tweak 380 specifically to compete with nvidia 960; that's mean AMD intend to offer something that is a bit faster while at the same time cost about the same. so in general both actually perform about the same with slight edge towards 380. power consumption wise 380 will use more. so this is where you need to check your PSU. if you have 400w unit and somehow can't upgrade that because of financial reason then 960 probably for you. if power supply is not a concern you can pick 380 for it's performance advantage. that's in general though. because some games favor nvidia architecture more and vice versa. because the two was quite close to each other in performance for games that heavily favoring nvidia cards 960 will have the performance lead. so if you really care about performance you might want to check your games as well. if not....just pick which ever you like.


Jul 29, 2015

Lol, I was talking about 960 and 380 but thank you, you and renz496 helped me so much, I was worried, thank you guys :D