GTX 960 vs R9 380


Aug 5, 2015
So I was going to get the GTX 960 (2GB), until I saw the new R9 380 4Gb edition.
So the R9 380 is supposed to be a bit more powerful, but what really is making me considering getting it is the 4GB of VRAM version, which is much cheaper than the 4gb versioner the 960.
However, the GTX 960 has some extra features that i Would like, it's also a bit cheaper, much Cooler, and a lot more power efficient.
So my main question is, is the 4GB of Vram Worth it? Will it really make that much of a difference?
By the way, my CPU is a AMD FX 8320, and I plan to be Gaming at 1080p.
I'm sorry if I made any typing errors, english is not my native language.

It's a great card, not only because of it's specs and capabilities but also because of a top-level manufacturer Sapphire. They are well known for specializing in AMD cards and do very well with their heatsinks and fans. Like Rhezener said be sure to overclock it and you'll get a very good performance.


Jul 29, 2015

If the extra 2 GB will increase your performance by a significant amount or not is determined mostly by the type of games you play. For example, if you plan on playing games like Assassins Creed Unity, the 4 GB will definitely be used, altough then you stumble across the problem that AMD cards are poorly optimized for that specific game. Basically what you want to be thinking is if the game is very large and has many individual modeling and so on, the 4GB will become better and better.

My advise would be the following:
If you are planning on playing ubisoft games at high quality settings, I highly recommend the 4 GB GTX 960, since the 4GB is definitely used and Nvidia cards are much better optimized for games like Far Cry 4 and ACU.
If you are planning on playing games like Battlefield 4 I recommend the AMD card since it offers mantle support (which increases the performance by a lot) and the 4 GB is also used at high quality settings.
If you are planning on playing games like GTA V or Bioshock Infinite I recommend the GTX 960 2 GB version (less sure with this advise so please correct me if wrong)

Good luck with finding the fitting graphics card! :)



get the 280x for 180$ after rebate, it is better than either of these,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

you wont see much of a difference between 2 and 4gb of vram for most titles, the 280x has 3gb which is plenty.


Aug 5, 2015
Thanks for the advice! It's really appreciated.
Now, for the solution of buying the 280X, sadly, where I live, the 280X is more expensive than the other cards. (16.66% for the 380, 40% for the 960. The 380 being 20% more expensive than the 960.) The site does not ship to where I live either.

And for the other solution:

I don't plan on Plan on Platini Ubisoft games (Since I don't really like Ubisoft)

I might get Battlefield 4 if I find it cheap (Not that much into first person shooters, but it could still be fun to play for a little while)
But since i'm not going to be playing it that much, I really wouldn't want to focus my Build on Being able to play it.

Don't know what to say about GTA V, haven't played any of those games before, but I might try that game one day.
I've heard that Bioshock Infinite is good, but It's still a game I don't know that much about.

The games i'm really interested in Rights now is Shadow of Mordor and Elite: Dangerous, as well AS No Man's Sky Wien that comes out. Fallout is a game i want to get into as well.
I mostly like playing Open World games if that helps any.
So what Card would you guys suggest?

If any of this appeared as rude, please tell me. (I just have this bad feeling about it, but that might just be me Being weird.)


look at the benchmarks above and decide if it is worth it for the 380, If you get a 960 4gb of vram wont make much of a difference as it only has a 128 bit bus.

If the 380 is a lot more than a 960 then get the 960, it is a great card.


Jul 29, 2015

If you're planning on mostly playing open world games I'd recommend the AMD card. Since you're not going to be playing crappy optimized ubisoft games it's even more of a good idea to get the AMD card. Also the list of games engines getting supported by mantle is slowly increasing and the higher amount of VRAM will also get more and more important as time goes on. So yeah since your games choice is that of big scale open-world games and maybe some BF4 at some times I'd definitely advise you to go for the AMD card instead of the Nvidia. But of course in the end it's up to you which one you buy ;)

Good luck with choosing and you didn't appear rude at all! Your response was perfectly fine :)
If you have any other questions feel free to ask the community :D


Aug 5, 2015
Thanks for the answers everyone!
It looks like I'll be going with the 380.
One last Thing though, it looks like I'll be getting the
Sapphire Radeon r9 380 NITRO Dual-X OC.
Is that a good version of the Card, or should I go for another one?
Thanks for all the help you guys have given me so far.


Jul 29, 2015

It's a great card, not only because of it's specs and capabilities but also because of a top-level manufacturer Sapphire. They are well known for specializing in AMD cards and do very well with their heatsinks and fans. Like Rhezener said be sure to overclock it and you'll get a very good performance.

Really? It's a refresh of the 7950 (with Boost), a minor tweak or two but it's still a 7950.


Jul 29, 2015

985 Mhz Base clock
4 GB 256-bit GDDR5 memory
Mantle support, DirectX 12 support, OpenGL 4.5 support

Sounds like a good graphics card to me, you do not agree?

I have one, not that impressive really.


Aug 5, 2015
Alright, I know I've been thanking you a lot at this point (I really do mean it though.), but thanks again.
Now I can brag to my friend about having a obviously superior card(He has a 270x. I'm such a terrible person, hehehehehe.)
Thanks again guys, bye.