PS3 4.75 OFW Jailbreak... Question



Earlier on, I went to go and sell my PS3, along with all my games. The store wouldn't accept my console though, since I had no warranty sticker. So, I had to take the PS3 home and since I had no games, I wondered what I could do with it. Then I realised, I could jailbreak/install CFW on it. When I did my research though, I found out that you have to downgrade to OFW 3.55, since OFW 4.x is un-jailbreakable at the moment. Now, I can't be bothered to buy an E3 Flasher and risk bricking my system (ironic because installing CFW has the same risk.)

So, I was wondering. Do you guys think that there will be a 4.75 jailbreak, ever, without needing to downgrade? I know this sounds ridiculous but, oh well...



Why? I don't see what's wrong with a genuine question. Yeah, it's about modding a PS3... But what's wrong with that?