Is Internet Explorer 9 a good update for my Windows 98 computer?


Dec 26, 2014
I've been working on setting up a Windows 98SE computer, and one thing that makes it difficult to do so is my web browser. I'm currently using Internet Explorer 6, which cannot load many websites. Today when I started the program, it linked me to a page suggesting that I update my browser to Internet Explorer 9. As I've not used IE for many years now, I'm not aware of much about IE9. Is there any reason I would want to avoid it for my Win98SE machine? If so, are there other browsers I should look at instead?
I believe that the last usable browser for Win98 would be Firefox 10.0.12 ESR, due to changes in the way browsers interact with OS kernel drivers.


Dec 26, 2014
Thanks for all the tips. I tried looking for Firefox at one point but couldn't find Win98 builds. Probably should have looked harder!

Funny story, IE6 on my machine cannot load or use any search engine website...except for Bing. I'll let you all draw your own conclusions on that matter.

As for why I'm using 98, I am setting up this machine to play windows games from before XP. There are a number of games which either don't run at all on newer systems, or only run with workarounds and a bunch of other stuff. Could have set up a virtual machine, but I'm lazy, and I have the space, so I said, why not get an old machine instead? It didn't cost much at all, plus I can use a CRT monitor which I prefer over LCDs for old games.

I guess you could say it's a project, it's just fun to tool around with old systems, even if it's for something simple like playing games.