How to learn about computers at the most basic level?


Feb 11, 2013
I want to create my very own working computer on a program called logisim and eventually build this system on a breadboard, problem is I can't find a good source of information that's easy to understand and can get me started with building my very own computer.

Another question being is how long would it take for me to learn about all the components and to have a good idea of how computers work, and how long would it take to build my very own computer?
There are tons of youtube video's out there on how to build a PC and you can research individual components.
You can ask us specific questions but its not really practical to just spew out a bunch of generic information.

In regards to how long, that completely depends on you. That is a matter of work ethic, time spent, and comprehension.

Correct me if I'm wrong: It sounds like you are trying to do something other than assemble a computer from prebuilt parts.
Actually building a working computer on a breadboard is extremely difficult and requires thorough knowledge of microprocessors and operating systems. An advanced degree in electrical/computer engineering could be a good place to start. If you are really serious about the task, I recommend looking into some of the free classes that universities offer online.
MIT has some great online classes covering the basics of electrical engineering and computer science.