R9 380 vs gtx960

A head to head comparison of the MSI GTX 960 4GB vs the XFX 380 DD 4GB:

Also shows 4GB vs 2GB game results:

The power numbers:

"We saw the two video cards perform extremely close to each other throughout the entire evaluation. When we overclocked both video cards to the maximum amount possible, neither video card grabbed an enormous performance lead except in BF4."

"The MSI GTX 960 GAMING 4G did have a few performance benefits over the XFX R9...
A head to head comparison of the MSI GTX 960 4GB vs the XFX 380 DD 4GB:

Also shows 4GB vs 2GB game results:

The power numbers:

"We saw the two video cards perform extremely close to each other throughout the entire evaluation. When we overclocked both video cards to the maximum amount possible, neither video card grabbed an enormous performance lead except in BF4."

"The MSI GTX 960 GAMING 4G did have a few performance benefits over the XFX R9 380 Double Dissipation 4G, including more efficient power consumption. This was the one area that really set the two video cards apart, as they were very much aligned in performance across the board."

"The big question, should you chose NVIDIA GTX 960 4GB or AMD R9 380 4GB? Honestly, they trade blows in performance, one is faster here, and the other is faster there. You will have to look closely at the games you play to differentiate between one or the other. The MSI GTX 960 GAMING 4G has a lot of overclocking potential. When overclocked the GTX 960 and R9 380 perform more similar than not. If you are wondering which one is more "future proof" both will be able to run DX12 games in Windows 10. The key factor to look at is pricing and the factory overclock you get out of the box. Take your time, do some research and chose the one that is priced better at the time, and has a high factory overclock."