How to Reply To Someone's answer?


Dec 8, 2014
I know, I know, sorry it dors not belong here but I have no clue where else to put it. What I was wondering is how to reply to someone answer on my thread. So if I had a problem, and they asked me a question about it, how would I reply or quote the answer to have it go to their notifications that I replied to their answer, and answered whatever question they had?

Well you click the little
reply to (insert name) and then you are taken to a reply to this thread page in which it shows the above text that you are quoting, and then you type the message below. the second you post in the thread, anyone following it, will get the notification that you have made a post. for instance you just got an update that I replied.
At the bottom of your post you can see an arrow with "Reply to xxxx" (xxxx being the poster's screen name). Then there are three symbols - if you want to reply and quote their answer in your reply, make sure the far right hand symbol (with " and a + or - symbol) has the + symbol showing, then simply click the "Reply to xxx"

On the bottom of each persons post is an arrow pointing up and beside in blue it says "Reply to ......." the name of the person who you are replying to. You then type below the quote. That is to reply on the thread. Or to reply privately, click on their username at the top of their post.


Bottom right corner of your post just now, next to the ! BB and "+ icons will be an arrow pointing up saying reply to Tank36 (you as an example) clicking that on someone else's post will quote the person.

Also just typing in the field below 'Your answer' and submitting will appear highlighted in the list of tracked threads in the small box top right corner of this website, the box saying at the top Hi Tank36.