Arma 2 dayz old runs poorly PLEASE HELP!


Jul 2, 2015
Hi there I've been trying this for a while now but they arma 2 dayz mod runs like shit for me and I have a gtx 970 and amd 8350 that can run everything but this game maxed out at 60fps. My friend has the same gpu but an amd 8320 and can get 60 fps on high settings! So what's the deal with my system?! Thanks for any help
Your "friend" might be lying to you. ARMA 2 (and any ARMA title or Mod or even DayZ SA) are very poorly optimized, they don't run well on even Top Tier systems.

Having said that, the game engine that the ARMA series is based on is very CPU dependent (doesn't allocate workload to the GPU well) and so the best CPU "should" perform better. This same engine also doesn't spread workload to multiple CPU threads well, so the better "single thread" performance CPU will do slightly better as well.

Has your friend OC'd his CPU? Maybe that would account for some smoother gameplay but... constant 60 FPS is pretty much unheard of in ARMAs


Your "friend" might be lying to you. ARMA 2 (and any ARMA title or Mod or even DayZ SA) are very poorly optimized, they don't run well on even Top Tier systems.

Having said that, the game engine that the ARMA series is based on is very CPU dependent (doesn't allocate workload to the GPU well) and so the best CPU "should" perform better. This same engine also doesn't spread workload to multiple CPU threads well, so the better "single thread" performance CPU will do slightly better as well.

Has your friend OC'd his CPU? Maybe that would account for some smoother gameplay but... constant 60 FPS is pretty much unheard of in ARMAs