i5 4690 80 degrees when rendering

Jan 10, 2015
hello guys i wanted to render a 2 gb video and when i rendered my cpu was reaching 80 degrees i immediately shut down camtasia cause i was shocked and im scared to render again what do you think im using stock cooler
That is actually normal for the stock cooler.

I would, however, advise to get a after market cooler. While the CPU has advanced technologies to keep it from damage, such as thermal throttling, it is best to keep it as cool as possible. I would get at least a entry level after market CPU cooler to keep the CPU happier.
Not to worry.
The cpu will slow down or shut off to protect itself from heat damage.
That temp is around 100c.

Check that your cooler is installed properly.
try to wiggle it, it should not move.
Look at the back of the motherboard to verify that all 4 pushpins are through the motherboard and locked.



Dec 3, 2014

This is all true and great advice but please get an aftermarket cooler as jimmysmitty suggested. High temps reduce the performance and lifespan of your CPU and you should always replace the stock cooler if you're using a performance CPU. The stock cooler works temporarily but for heavy use and especially for K series and other 84+ watt performance CPUs you need an aftermarket cooler for long-term use.

Great temperatures under load for a 4690 would be 60 C. Aim for at least < 70 C under stress.