Can't connect computer to Network Video Recorder system? Works on iPad, not computer.


Jun 25, 2015
Our house is setup with a Camera system by AVer*. This camera system was setup before we moved in.

An Electrician has set up the system so that we can watch the cameras through an app called 'AVerViewer', or i-Viewer. It has been port forwarded on our router. To set it up the app, for example on an ipad, we simply select DVR/NVR, add a new camera system, write in the host ip address, the port we have forwarded to, and the default username/password which is 'admin' and 'admin'. This system works perfectly.

But on my Macbook Pro, when I use the supplied app I found on their website named 'VideoViewer' (and some other Os X programs such as xGuard and securitySpy) it does not allow us to connect despite filling out the exact same details as on the iPad. VideoViewer says 'Incorrect username/password for device [ip]'. If I enter the incorrect ip address or port, it tells me that it failed to connect instead, so I know that it is connecting to the server.

I can't see any reason for it requiring a different password? If I type in the address with port into a browser it takes me to a sign in page, but it asks me to download a plugin which is not compatible with my computer because it is a .msi (microsoft installer). I'm fairly sure VideoViewer is the correct program but maybe not?

I'm starting to think this might be impossible with a Mac computer, and that a Windows will work in a breeze, but hopefully this isn't true! I haven't tried on windows yet.

Thanks for ANY help regarding this issue,


(Hope I made sense!)

Just tested it with another app that I found on the website where I downloaded 'VideoViewer', called 'EagleEyes' (iPad app) and it says 'the ip is not accessible'. So perhaps they've made these cameras only accessible by their programs? Which means that they don't support Mac.


Is this the website for the app (VideoViewer) in question?

Just trying to ensure that I have identified the software/app correctly. As I understand it, the Mac is supported..... Not finding any supporting documentation with respect to set-up or configuration.

What the cameras are sending via their own IP address is being sent to your router which in turns provides that data to the app via the designated port on the iPad via the iPad's IP address.

MacBook Pro set up should be identical for the most part. Not sure about your login issues. You should have a login/password for the MacBook. Plus a login/password to join your network.

Once joined the router should communicate accordingly. However the VideoViewer app on the MacBook may require the login/password for the router. "admin" is commonly used for default router login settings. [Note:If you are using default router settings you may be very open to identify theft and other malicious hacking attempts. If not then the "admin/admin" combination is for something else. Still should be changed but that is for another time. Do not wish to get into that while addressing the current matter at hand.]

VideoViewer may be looking for the router and expects to have the appropriate login and password for your network.

That all said did you set up the router to also port forward to the MacBook Pro? Meaning the router is sending/forwarding camera data to the iPad but you also need have the router sending/forwarding the data to the MacBook via the MacBook's own IP and designated port.

What router are you using? The router's admin pages may provide a list of attached devices by IP.

Turn on several of your devices including the iPad and MacBook. First make sure that the MacBook is able to join and be active/functional on the network. Then try configuring VideoViewer again. Double check your entries and see if things fall into place. Keep some notes and post further questions, errors, discoveries, etc..


Jun 25, 2015

I've got the router port forwarding and everything like that... I think that the problem is that they've made the cameras work only with their software, but they only provide programs to view via browser on windows (the installer given via ip address in browser is for windows only), and apps for android and ipad/phone. Their website is and you can see the mobile apps here: .

From what I see, they don't provide a app for macs. VideoViewer might of been from a different company with a similar name. AVer > AVtech.