Whole Town Gets High Ping Spikes.


Aug 15, 2015
Every day people in my town (Including me and 5 of my friends who i play games with) have high ping for about an hour, usually I'll have 30~ to CSGO Competitive servers, whereas when this happens it will jump to 200-300. It never happens at the same time, but it happens to everyone at the same moment.
That would be a interesting thing to be able to prove to your ISP.

What you want to do is run tracert to the server from a bunch of peoples houses. What you are hoping to see is a common point in the tracert that will tell the ISP where the bottle neck is. Be very sure you test on wired connections because they will immediately disregard any trace that show problems in the first hop.....and correctly so since it contaminates the data.

What you are hoping for is it is not too far into the trace. They can fix stuff (if they really want to) in their own network. You start getting into connection between them and other ISP and it will be harder.....and if it is between 2 other ISP all they can do is call a ticket in and hope that other ISP will fix it. So if you are very lucky it will be in hop 3 or 4. Hop 2 would represent a issue between your house and the ISP, it is possible that is shared with other people but unlikely.