EVGA GTX 960 FTW vs. SSC 2gb?

In most cases I would recommend the SSC since there is really no gain compared to the price/performance ratio from the few extra clocks or the blackplate, but since prices went down and now the difference is 10$ between the SSC and the FTW then I recommend the FTW, and if the blackplate is your primary concern then there is also a nice offer over here which sells the SSC with a free blackplate http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487091


Jan 7, 2015
In most cases I would recommend the SSC since there is really no gain compared to the price/performance ratio from the few extra clocks or the blackplate, but since prices went down and now the difference is 10$ between the SSC and the FTW then I recommend the FTW, and if the blackplate is your primary concern then there is also a nice offer over here which sells the SSC with a free blackplate http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487091