How should I ground myself?


Sep 3, 2015
I own a anti-static wrist strap, but I'm not entirely sure what is the best method to use it. I've heard a-many methods online but they all counter act each other; some people say touch the case with the PSU connected and turned off, and others say that that is dangerous.

If possible, I'm looking for a specific answer for someone who has used a lot of anti-static wristbands. Where should I connect it and should I plug in the PSU or not? PS: I work on a wooden floor.
Hi Ahoo,

1) DISCONNECT YOUR PSU FROM THE WALL. You do not want to be strapped into any electrical circuit that has the potential to electrocute you.

2) Connect the wrist strap to a metal part of your case. As long as your wrist strap is attached to a metal part of your case you won't have to worry about electrostatic discharge between yourself and the internal components.

**You will hear some people remark that they leave their PSU plugged into the wall and have never had a problem. Most of the time this is true, but every once and awhile someone who does this wins the Darwin award, and there is absolutely no reason to risk it.
Hi Ahoo,

1) DISCONNECT YOUR PSU FROM THE WALL. You do not want to be strapped into any electrical circuit that has the potential to electrocute you.

2) Connect the wrist strap to a metal part of your case. As long as your wrist strap is attached to a metal part of your case you won't have to worry about electrostatic discharge between yourself and the internal components.

**You will hear some people remark that they leave their PSU plugged into the wall and have never had a problem. Most of the time this is true, but every once and awhile someone who does this wins the Darwin award, and there is absolutely no reason to risk it.


Sep 3, 2015
I own an NZXT s340, and the whole case is matte black finish. If I attach the clip from the anti-static strap to a part of the case that is painted matte black, will the charge still go through the paint? I literally can't see a part of the case that is pure steel / metals.

That should be just fine. Anywhere along the outside rim where the side doors sit or the drive cage bays would be a good place for that case.