need your help before buying my first gaming pc


Feb 15, 2012

It is an overkill. His system needs around 500W to operate stably, like most systems require around those specs. I have given it another 100W just to be sure and as a future investment for upgrades. And I truly believe that a Bronze PSU is quite a setback, provided that Platinum rated PSU's are now in the market, and considering that he is going a "latest technology" pc built.
Considering the B2 is made by Superflower and has a 6 year warranty, and has such headroom for the future, I think it's worth it. You can't buy a better PSU for that price with the sale it's been on these past days.

And going with a 600W PSU on a 500W load is inefficient. Bronze at half load is probably going to be more efficient than inefficient load on platinum. Plus the electricity is so little anyway.