OK, just a quick question to get some opinions.Im looking to potentially upgrade my GPU.My current system isFX-835


Nov 21, 2014
scope out GPU performance vs cost on google. I know good gpus are expensive, but it will show you some clear choices. I'm running twin sli GT560ti cards right now and combined with a 4770R cpu, 32 GB RAM etc, Hero MB... I'm getting very high frame rates. Altho I had to overclock the cpu recently when playing GTA 5.
December sales will get me a single 980Ti which will set me up just fine again, at least for four years or so. You could probably buy the twin 560Ti cards for under $120 each right now, but cost/performance is kinda low and sli doesn't work on all games. Hoping for sub $500 price tag on the 980Ti come December (actually best prices are just after thanksgiving for PC parts).