[SOLVED] CPU temps jumping up and down by 20C


Aug 10, 2015
So i have a 6700k cpu OCd to 4,7ghz and the temps are all over the place! when idle it jumps from 33 to 52 or so every second,according to afterburner. Under load it only reaches high 70's tho but whats up with the ups n downs? could this be a problem with the sensor or something? or bad thermal paste? it was the first time i installed a cpu cooler on myself.
I have a coolermaster v8 gts cpu cooler and a msi gaming pro z170a mobo...

Thx for any advice


Jul 29, 2012
You said this was being measured with afterburner? Try downloading a utility called CoreTemp (http://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/) and see what that is measuring. Often times, new platforms have compatibility issues with software, as they are still in infancy stages. If core temp is also registering a similar temperature jumping scenario, I would recommend booting to your UEFI and seeing how that is measuring the temps. The UEFI has the most direct access to all physical sensors on the system and should be trusted completely over software. If the UEFI is showing a temperature problem, then you may need to reseat your cooler with new thermal compound.