Does (EA Origin) Crysis 2 Maximum Edition come with DX11 and High Res texture ?

DirectX 11 and high res textures were added in a patch that should automatically comes with both the regular and Maximum Edition. The only difference between the two editions is maximum edition gets some DLC, much of which is only relevant for the game's dead multiplayer mode.

Math Geek

product page says it is directx 9c as is the other one. the max edition simply includes some dlc that is extra in the standard edition. as far as resolution support i have no idea what it supports. i'm sure a review site has reviwed this old game and will tell you what resolutions it has available.

again though, this is the same version of the game as the standard edition it just has the dlc included.

"Includes 4 Limited Edition unlocks:
• Bonus XP - Access to preset classes plus a custom class
• Scar weapon Skin - Scar assault rifle digital camouflage
• Weapon Attachment - Day 1 access to scar hologram decoy
• Unique Platinum Dog Tag - Display your multiplayer rank and stats

Includes Retaliation and Decimation packs:
• 9 additional Multiplayer maps supporting all game modes
• 2 new weapons - FY71 Assault Rifle and M18 Smoke Grenade"

edit: i don't even see another option for this game from EA. they only have this version that i can see in the store.
DirectX 11 and high res textures were added in a patch that should automatically comes with both the regular and Maximum Edition. The only difference between the two editions is maximum edition gets some DLC, much of which is only relevant for the game's dead multiplayer mode.