hp 180t wont format 3 TB new hard drive. Works with the original 1TB drive Any suggestions?

Hey there, bellringer35.

Do you want to use that 3TB as a booting HDD? Hard drives larger than 2TB should be initialized with GPT (GUID Partition Table) in order for the OS to be able to use the whole capacity of the HDD. However, drives larger than 2TB are not supported as boot volume. Please refer to the tables from this link, to see all the restrictions and available support for drives above and below 2TB: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2581408

Hope that helps.
Hey there, bellringer35.

Do you want to use that 3TB as a booting HDD? Hard drives larger than 2TB should be initialized with GPT (GUID Partition Table) in order for the OS to be able to use the whole capacity of the HDD. However, drives larger than 2TB are not supported as boot volume. Please refer to the tables from this link, to see all the restrictions and available support for drives above and below 2TB: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2581408

Hope that helps.