converting from FAT32 to NTFS Win Server 2003


Hey guys. I need to convert the filesystem of one hdd from FAT32 to NTFS and I need to do it w/o formatting or rebooting the computer

I plan on using the following commands:

chkdsk h: /f
convert H: /FS:NTFS

The question is will this work on a disk thats being the OS drive and should i expect any issues.

P.S. To admins: Please consider adding more OS options
Yes, it will work on the OS partition, and without destroying data. Nevertheless you should always have a system backup regime in place anyway - that's just common sense.

(There's no need to run chkdsk command, that's got nothing to do with the convert command).

"P.S. To admins: Please consider adding more OS options"

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Yes, it will work on the OS partition, and without destroying data. Nevertheless you should always have a system backup regime in place anyway - that's just common sense.

(There's no need to run chkdsk command, that's got nothing to do with the convert command).

"P.S. To admins: Please consider adding more OS options"

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