Will your computer be broken if it unexpectedly turns off like for example when a power failure occurs?

There are times when the hard drive can become corrupted if the power was to drop. Its not something that happens most of the time, but it does happen.

Keeping full system backups is often a better solution than a UPS. In my case, I bought a HGST 2TB hard drive for $70, and a good backup program for another $30, and I have set it up to make a full system backup to the 2TB hard drive three times a week. So if my 1TB SSD dies or becomes corrupted, I can get back to where I was no more than 48 or 72 hours ago, and I also have 2 other backups from the same week.

Doctor Rob

Jul 21, 2008
An UPS is recommended if you want to protect against brownouts. A brownout is when the power is still on but lower then normal and it does cause damage to your computer equipment. I use them on all my main equipment from my desktop to my main tv in the house.

Not if you're in a 230V country and using a full range PSU. Most PSUs (including the ones built into displays) should be good down to about 80VAC, and even less at lower loads.

AC motors can be seriously damaged by low voltage - but your computer and monitor don't have them. Worry about your fridge.