How does a computer work / operate


Now this question will probably require a long detailed answer for all the sub questions I will be asking and include links to different pages to explain largely difficult to explain points.

Now lately I have be thinking and researching a lot about how a computer is actually possible. As in how did people back when we were trying to invent the most basic computer get a piece of silicon and have the idea of printing those lines on motherboards (I still don't know really what those lines are made off or what they are call) that you see that transfer code, data and connect hardware so each can communicate with each other and how would they even get the information to even travel anyways.

I know that coding goes all the way back to its simplest form such as morse code and diodes.
I'm very good with the physical installation and repairing of computer hardware but I am still slowly trying to grasp how a personal computer works in its most bare bones.

Like how are cpu's, motherboards, ram, gpu's and all the other component of a computer physically possible, I mean I look into my pc and think how is this computer even working, is this computer really transferring gigabytes of data every second, how is a bios put on a chip and connected to the motherboard, how does the bios know what a operating system or even what itself is doing.

This is all very confusing in the grand scene of how a computer works as a whole because when most people think of computers they think of social networking, the world wide web, video games, coding, operating systems.
I kind of think we take computer slightly for granted as they are such complicated objects and wonderfully so. The amount of time it has taken to invent the computer we have today is amazing.

To try and understand computers a bit more I will be purchasing a raspberry pi with a handbook. I am hoping this will help me learn more about computers and how they operate.

Hello... Go to YOU tube and search "intel" and "Fairchild" Stories for the "how and who" of the "transistor" were involved, and how the first intergrated Chips were/are made. The best minds in Science were involved in theses early days of "Silicon valley", and Nobel Prizes and Patents were given.
I have been reading through wiki and a lot of forums but the problem is that I have Dyslexia and I am a visual learner so I am better showed information practically rather than told or by reading information. I learned how to build a computer using videos and they have stayed with me. Whenever I am stuck with installing something or doing anything technical I look for videos, instruction manuals aren't my thing.

I would really like to grasp how computers are able to work.


May 22, 2011
I hear your question, here's a good start just keep following the links as far as they go.

I haer yuor qesutoin, hree's a good sartt jsut keep foollinwg the lnkis as far as tehy go.*

* research has shown that it is not just a matter of letter order in words that dyslexia concerns:

it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae

... it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be at the right place

This is clearly wrong. For instance, compare the following three sentences:

1) A vheclie epxledod at a plocie cehckipont near the UN haduqertares in Bagahdd on Mnoday kilinlg the bmober and an Irqai polcie offceir

2) Big ccunoil tax ineesacrs tihs yaer hvae seezueqd the inmcoes of mnay pneosenirs

3) A dootcr has aimttded the magltheuansr of a tageene ceacnr pintaet who deid aetfr a hatospil durg blendur

All three sentences were randomised according to the "rules" described in the meme. The first and last letters have stayed in the same place and all the other letters have been moved. However, I suspect that your experience is the same as mine, which is that the texts get progressively more difficult to read. If you get stuck, the sentences are linked to the original unscrambled texts.

Hopefully, these demonstrations will have convinced you that in some cases it can be very difficult to make sense of sentences with jumbled up words. Clearly, the first and last letter is not the only thing that you use when reading text. If this really was the case, how would you tell the difference between pairs of words like "salt" and "slat"?

I'm going to list some of the ways in which I think that the author(s) of this meme might have manipulated the jumbled text to make it relatively easy to read. This will also serve to list the factors that we think might be important in determining the ease or difficulty of reading jumbled text in general.

As usual any ten word cut and paste into google will find the original text for you or anyone curious about things people bring up.
Hello... Understanding a Binary number system by a man got the thought process going... In 1854, British mathematician George Boole published a landmark paper detailing an algebraic system of logic that would become known as Boolean algebra. His logical calculus was to become instrumental in the design of digital electronic circuitry.

Basically Boolean logic allows AND, NOT, OR, NOR, and NAND gates to be made with a Vacuum tubes... and Then later with Transistors... A Programmer can organize these LOGIC Statements in an order, And then a program can be written and run... And now it can be Done in a very small package and with very low voltage.

I have read and used many Boolean logic program print outs for OLDER machinery. Currently, "Ladder Logic" and laptop connections are common in the PLC logic controllers, used in Industry today.


Well... lets start off from this: Lets think of the computer s human. A human needs body which is made of skeleton and skin. In our analogy That would be the motherboard and the case. Now you know that to be able to move your body you need muscles and a way to distribute blood to all your body. (the so called paths on the motherboard and the cables). What else do you need - a brain (CPU, GPU, RAM, ROM), you also need a heart to make the blood move (PSU) you need limbs (peripherals) and eyes (monitor) Now looking at thes ROUGH (and not entirely accurate) analogy you should already start to understand the logic behind how does a computer work.
As for how they make those parts you can make a google search - its not a secret. The chips are also programmed to do what they do.


May 22, 2011
Okay I was stalling, it's hard to find things visually depicting stuff from bread boards that made up original
circuits, I remember the Victorian Internet describing all the physical forms of moving data & information &
the underlying communication that moved that technology. You have to go back to why and what.

Did you understand the videos I linked? Did they answer any part of your questions? It's a very complex
subject and has so many roots.

The big thing here is that people needed and wanted to do things. Technologies from flag towers to telegraph
stations were implemented, meanwhile technology was advancing and converging - there was electricity
generation, there were mechanical calculating engines, Babbage was on about a computing engine. As
disruptive technologies crashed into each other. Simple circuits to bring a string of lights over the factory
floor ended in switches. Telephone lines were being strung everywhere and they went through simple
switchboards with a human operator. After you have a system then it gets optimized and miniaturized
and then combined with other systems.

Back in the day I ran a Commodore Amiga, it was sorta unique in that it had custom chips dedicated to
sound and graphics and I/O as well as a very capable CPU. On top of that a guy named Sassenrath made
sure it multitasked at its core. These guys were supposed to be making a console before Commodore
bought everything. That was the start of what we have today with CPU/GPU/MB's.

Before that there were a generation of homebrew people putting circuits together according to designs
people though up using wires and bread boards. They used the building blocks. From there it was just
like the electrical grids, telephone networks, railroads, highways. Bigger, faster, smaller and then
combined with another use case that no one saw coming. Imagine what the vacuum tube did first for
radio and then television and then there were miniaturized circuits called transistors.

Now we have robot factories doing the grunt work and engineers that specialize in making all of these
parts of the cycle faster, more efficient and cheaper. You want to step back and see the process before
full automation, take a look at smart phone assembly plants.

ps. the dyslexia part wasn't really for you as you already know all about it. It was to allow people a glimpse
at how hard it is to parse text blocks and why you want visual explanations.