Coming back to FPS after a few years: Suggestions


May 19, 2009
So I recently built an affordable budget gaming pc and am ready to download some good FPS games. Its been a while since i did this. The last FPS i played thoroughly was CS Source, Crysis and Farcry 2.
I've played Bioshock recently on my laptop but thats it.

I was looking for good suggestions for FPS games:

My criteria:
1) Shouldn't be pay as you go or require in game purchases (preferably)
2) Multiplayer or Single player doesnt matter ( I'm open for both those kinds)
3) Even a good 3rd person shooter would do

Secondly: I'm thinking of getting GTA V and I'm little turned off by the Gameshark thing and that you have keep paying or something. I'm still a little unclear on that, can someone please explain. (Oh and did I mention I hate the way GTA 4 had the whole Microsoft live thing, hope GTA 5 doesnt have that)

Another game on my radar is the Black Ops III.

Please let me know your suggestions.

(My Rig: 1225v3 + 20GB RAM + SSD + R9 390 * (Might get a GTX 970 if I see any issues))


CS: GO: is a very popular competitive game at the moment, however I find it's got a very bad community.

Unreal Tournament 4: is in an open alpha state, it's looking pretty enjoyable. (and visually spectacular)

ARMA 3: if you mil/sim style modern combat.

Metro 2033/lastlight: if you want an atmospheric single player, story driven game.

Metal Gear Solid V: for some excellent stealth/action gameplay.

GTA V: is an excellent game, I probably don't need to explain this game.
the gameshark thing is just how you buy in-game credits. you can earn money without buying credits, by doing missions and other activities.

Upcoming games to keep an eye on.

Fallout 4
Just Cause 3



May 19, 2009
Didnt know about Unreal, I'm downloading that now! lol .. I used to Love unreal tournament, but the last one I played was the Unreal Tournament GOTY 1999 edition back in the day haha .. Love how good the graphics were.

So most of those games taht you mentioned like Fallout/ Metro are I'm assuming good for Singlplayer story mode right?
Any good suggestion for multiplayer titles?

I'm planning to get 3-4 games atleast .. looking out for Thanksgiving deals this month


Fallout/metro are definitely single player story focused game.

ARMA 3, UT4, CS:GO, GTAV and Killing Floor 2 are all good multiplayer games.

Metal Gear also has some online gameplay, but you have to progress quite far to unlock it.