My New Motherboard and/or CPU Make My Screen Glitch


Oct 24, 2015
I just bought a new CPU and Motherboard, I plugged it all in and my PC booted up correctly. But whenever I something moves on-screen it makes this weird glitching line. If anything is at the native resolution for my screen (1600 x 900) It does this. But if I put whatever it is I'm doing (A video game or something) At a resolution lower than what is native, it stops.

This is true for the whole computer, if I set the whole computer's resolution down. The problem also stops

So in short. Anything at the native resolution for my screen has glitchy lines that move slowly up the screen.

Please help me out here. I can't take it much longer.
(I also don't know if this is due to the new motherboard or CPU or both.)

Thanks a lot,