bsod IRQL_LESS_OR_EQUAL gaming!


Nov 10, 2015
Hello my name is Noderaidergames and, for the past couple of months that I've had my new gaming pc which my specs will be in here at the bottom but, Ive had bsod for the 3 months I've had this machine and got this bsod IRQL_LESS_OR_EQUAL which is mostly ram problems and I've sent my motherboard back which is the Asrock Fatal1ty Z97 killer motherboard and got a rma and got a new one. Put everything back together and and just a couple of days later got the same bsod again, and again. So about every 4-5 hour if I'm playing a game like csgo, and Minecraft I will notice hearing a audio glitch in the background a couple times every. After hearing the audio glitches sometime the computer will freeze up and blue screen with the following IRQL_LESS_OR_EQUAL which is again a memory problem. I have done multiple tests on cpu, and ram cpu came up negative with the Intel cpu tool that tests the processor for problems. IF there was a problem there is dents on my cpu which was probably caused by the heatsink idk. But I have a 3 year warranty and it says if there is any physical damage your processor wont have a warranty. But I ran the cpu test and had no problem nothing came up as errors or didn't work. Also ran the ram tool that windows has and came up with no errors. So what can is be? I have gotten a new motherboard and it still does the same problem.