Crazy Craft crashing when loading Minecraft Out of Memory Error


Nov 15, 2015
Can you please help me? I am trying to install Crazy Craft but when it goes to load Minecraft it gets up to 2/7 then crashes. In the report it states "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded". Can you suggest anything?
Without going into too much detail, possible reasons:
you ran out of memory.
Mod to be loaded was somehow broken?
Possible reasons for that are listed in the launcher download page:
Windows/Mac Requirments:
64-bit Operating System (32 bit has low frame rates and possible out of memory errors while playing)
64-bit Java JRE v7.0+ (Java 8 recommended) :
Download and install java x64, not x86, from here.
You must install BOTH of these, not one or the other.
Download and install java jre, from here. Download the dmg version.
Download and install java jdk, from here. Download the dmg version.
Java 7 Minimum but Java 8 is highly recommended
If anti virus flags it as unknown give Void Launcher access
Vanilla Minecraft Plays at 60+ FPS to insure good fps on Mod Packs

Also it is possible that you have set the memory amount to be used by CC too high compared to how much ram you have.
If problem persists, you could always try bit older version instead of most recent one.

Past that, A lot of it is pure guesswork about possible causes without extra details like amount of ram and how high ram usage is set to when you try to run it.