Free Public Wifi Only Works For 30 Seconds Then Stops Even Though I'm "Connected"


Nov 19, 2015
Recently I've been having problem with connecting to a free public wifi network. In specific, Xfinity Wifi. It is not my home network, but one nearby that I can connect to. I also have family members who live up the street from me and I sometimes use their Wifi when my home wifi is slow, and the same problem happens when I'm connected on that network.
What happens is immediately after I connect to the network, everything works fine for about 15-20 seconds, and then suddenly nothing will load. My Wifi still says I'm connected with an excellent signal, and the networking menu can't troubleshoot any problems, but anything that requires an internet connection will not work. I've tried a bunch of solutions I've read online and nothing seems to work.
The most puzzling piece of my problem is that the longer I am disconnected from one of these networks, then the longer the span of 15-30 seconds of working internet I get when I connect at first will be. For example, if I disconnect from the wifi and wait 5 minutes, I will get maybe 15 seconds of working internet before it stops. If I wait only 10 seconds before reconnecting, I'll get maybe 3 seconds of working internet. It seems I have to let it "cool down" or something like that before I can reconnect. Regardless, 30 seconds of working internet is hardly the way I'd like it to be, and just last week I wasn't having a problem with these networks.
It is very frustrating and I can't seem to find anybody else that's having a similar problem that I am having. Can anybody help me with this??


Good chance that your connection may be attempting to access multiple "free" Xfinity Wifi locations as the signal strengths come and go via interference, other users connecting etc.. Could be that the bandwidth on the entire street is being taken up. I.e., when your connection is slow probably all of the others will be slow.

Plus there is some discussion as to whether or not homeowners can really turn off the Xfinity hotspot provided by their router. Could be original hotspot connection site is off now and another location is being accessed. Further away and thus weaker signals.

Not sure about the "cool off"- but it could be that the accessed device is overheating and needs a cool down. Could even be on your computer - does the slowdown happen on all of your devices?

Try using tracert (to google) and see how many hops there are and what delays take place. Run the test multiple times throughout an evening. May provide some insight as to the problem.