Will my core i7 860 bottleneck a GTX 970 if I upgrade?

Bilal Fouzi

May 27, 2015
Hey guys!

I recently gained interest in PC gaming and was thinking of upgrading my GPU, currently I have a shitty GTX 330 or something that has 2GB of DDR2 VRAM which is terrible... but my CPU is a core i7 860 @ 2.80 GHz and it has Turbo boost upto 3.46 GHz

Im thinking of upgrading to a EVGA GTX 970 which is like overcloked and all, but I'm worried if my CPU will bottleneck GPU performance...

I wanna play games like FC 4, GTA V, AC 4 and NFS 2015 etc at like 1440p high settings etc...

Thanks in advance guys...

And one more Question, if u guys can be kind enough to answer.. I inted to attach my PC to my 4K TV while I game... I am not too familiar with Gsync monitors but my TV has this mad feature called clear motion which makes even 23fps cinematic movies look smooth like 60 fps if I want it to, so when I do game the above mentioned games at 1440p with high settings on a GTX 970 I assume ill most likely be getting around the 30fps mark... but will the GTX 970 be able to communnicate with my TV's true motion thiungy and produce a constant Gsync frame rate kinda thingy?

I dont know im kinda confused but yeah if u cud shed some light on the gsync matter it'd be awesome!

Current PC specs:
CPU Core i7 @ 2.80 GHz (Boost 3.46 GHz)
8GB DDR3 1333 MHz
Nvidia GTX 330
1TB HDD 7200 RPM
i got the same CPU and a GTX 960, it works fine, and the CPU itself is strong enough.
however, the chipsets (the smaller processors on your motherboard) are not good/new enough to support PCI-E 3.0 and so not offering full capacity.

the basic answer, no. at normal settings your GPU will run good. but on heavier games or higher settings the card can't work at it's full potential giving it a slightly lesser max performance then the benchmarks show.
still nothing to worry about, i find it surprising how a 7 year old motherboard and 6,5 year old CPU hold on so well.

oh right, as to your TV matter, it depends how it works. if the TV makes it look like that itself, the only thing you need to do is give a 30 FPS limit to the games and...
Your CPU will hold back a GTX 970 in some of the more CPU heavy titles out now, eg. Grand Theft Auto V, some parts of Witcher 3. I was running into bottlenecks with a 770 in those games with an old Core i5 760 overclocked to 3.5GHz, it was worse when running at the stock 2.8GHz. If you don't want to rush out and do a full system upgrade, you can buy the 970 now, and you should still get most of its performance with your current setup in most titles, but you are going to want to overclock to get the best performance in something like Grand Theft Auto V.


Jun 2, 2015
i got the same CPU and a GTX 960, it works fine, and the CPU itself is strong enough.
however, the chipsets (the smaller processors on your motherboard) are not good/new enough to support PCI-E 3.0 and so not offering full capacity.

the basic answer, no. at normal settings your GPU will run good. but on heavier games or higher settings the card can't work at it's full potential giving it a slightly lesser max performance then the benchmarks show.
still nothing to worry about, i find it surprising how a 7 year old motherboard and 6,5 year old CPU hold on so well.

oh right, as to your TV matter, it depends how it works. if the TV makes it look like that itself, the only thing you need to do is give a 30 FPS limit to the games and turn it on if it isn't already on the pc input. if it needs to communicate with the device for it, probably not.

cheers fellow i7 860'er, may the legend never die.