Need help picking a internet speed.


Dec 2, 2014
Morning everyone. Just moved and need to order internet service. Only provider available in my area is Twc. What I need help with is picking a speed. Main thing will be online pc gaming. Fps and mmo game primarily. Time warner cable has a couple options available. It says 300/20mbps for $65, 200/20mbps $55 and 10010/Mbps $45. Was wondering which is good for me to game with no problem while my daughter and girl stream on their tablets or tv. Won't be getting tv so entertainment will come from streaming and Apple TV. All suggestions are appreciated the price isn't a problem but I don't want to pay for overkill either.
Well, I have 120/20mb internet where I live and we have over 40 connected devices, stream all entertainment from the web/netflix/etc, one roomie is twitch streamer, other has a 3-tv command center with usually a couple different new sites streaming all the time, etc and never run out of bandwidth for that.

That said, if I could get 300 for an extra $20, I'd take it. lol. But the middle one gives you an extra 10mb upload which can come in handy and seems like a good balance between the 3. Also, most place will always glady upgrade you if you want to give them more money with a simple phone call.