When do Black Friday deals begin?


Jan 17, 2015
I'm not really sure to understand how blackfriday deals work.

I wanted to buy an r9 390 at the cheapest cost possible. Today, I found that the best price would be from newegg (with NCIX coming not far behind). But are these the black friday deals or are they just normal deals?

Will they release new deals this friday? Should i buy my r9 390 before the deals expire?

I'm confused... :??::??::??:
"Black Friday" started 3 weeks ago, Nov 1. It ends around Jan 15.

What you see on sale today may be more expensive, or less expensive, on the actual "Black Friday".

Black Friday/Cyber Monday is just a way of having random stuff on sale. Don't count on any particular part being 'on sale'. Especially if it is a new, popular item.

For instance...last Thursday, Amazon and Newegg had a "1 day only!" sale for a SanDisk 960GB SSD. $220.
3 days later, Monday, it was $200.
What will it be this weekend? Who knows.


A few years ago Black Friday sales would normally start on that day. However, it's now progressed to the point where the sales begin at the start of this week. So if you see a good deal NOW on Newegg, jump on it RIGHT NOW... Last year I waited until the day after Thanksgiving to pick up a new card on Newegg and they sold out by that Friday... and didn't get any more cards until February.

Black Friday Sales online have already started.


"Black Friday" started 3 weeks ago, Nov 1. It ends around Jan 15.

What you see on sale today may be more expensive, or less expensive, on the actual "Black Friday".

Black Friday/Cyber Monday is just a way of having random stuff on sale. Don't count on any particular part being 'on sale'. Especially if it is a new, popular item.

For instance...last Thursday, Amazon and Newegg had a "1 day only!" sale for a SanDisk 960GB SSD. $220.
3 days later, Monday, it was $200.
What will it be this weekend? Who knows.


Jan 17, 2015
Thanks for your answers guys it made things a lot more clear.

But do you think CAD 445$ - 20$ mail-in rebate (about USD 335$ -15$ mail-in rebate) good price for an msi r9 390?

I did hear that mail-in rebates are bad but... w/e its my first purchase with this type of rebate and even without the rebate its the cheapest msi r9 390 rn...



I despise mail in rebates. With the heat of 1,000 suns I despise them.
Oct 5, I bought a new ASUS monitor, $153. The $20 rebate showed up today. 7 weeks.
I would have bought it without.