Nvidia Kernal driver has crashed and recovered


Sep 11, 2014
So i just recently bought this graphics card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127844&cm_re=gtx_960-_-14-127-844-_-Product and this power supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817207013 , Re editing this thread to one last time ask for help with some updates before i choose to rma the card. So first of all i bought this card a few weeks ago and i got a black screen on day 1, well i then decided to reinstall the drivers which fixed it for a few days after which the problem came back, So i then reinstalled the drivers but this time using driver uninstall to get rid of old amd drivers i still had once again it was fixed for about 2-3 days then it popped up again, so it seems to fix the black screen for a few days after reinstalling but then the problem comes back. here are my settings
and these are the GPU readings
i set the power settings in nvidia control panel to max performance. one last thing the Gpu usage/temp/Power consumption etc seem to glitch out on gpu-z and show a max usage of 1$. Forgive my sloppy grammar i appreciate any help before having to choose to rma it. Also those readings are me just sitting here idle typing this out.
After posting this i chose to do one more driver reinstall and now it looks like this
I am not really sure why but now everything is where it should be after reinstalling drivers


Nov 14, 2015
I used to get this heaps with my gtx 770 OC , always when the card got too hot. i used a temp monitor that read the temps of the gpu, gpu memory, gpu vrm. As temps got high in the mem/vrm software failed. turning up gpu fans above 80% stopped it. or turning down the cards oc down to reference gpu settings stopped it also, either one. conclusion was temps as cause. Now i have another pc but using same 770, the case has hi flow fans up front and no obstructions, allows fans to cool gpu nicely and never has this happened again without the gpu fan/oc tweaks. And yes gpu temps seemed not too bad when it did this, so believe its the affect on gpu mem/vrm

The factories really pushed their overclocks to the edge of stability and cooling must be great


Sep 11, 2014

Thank you both for your help i have updated the thread in hopes of any help coming before i choose to rma it