Best place for business class "Gaming Workstation" (Warranties, customer service, etc..)


Mar 6, 2012
We are looking to purchase some systems that are at the gtx970-980 level. We will be using them for VR development and 3d rendering of still images using Thea render. We have basically ruled out quadro cards (many thea benchmarks don't use quadro cards, and for VR development, gtx class will be more effective).

Do you have suggestions for a vendor to buy a system through?
A few places came to mind:
ibuypower (Are these guys legit? They seem flaky)

I'm interested in good support and customer service so, I would like to avoid prebuilt systems from newegg etc...


None of the above, honestly. If you want that kind of system - if you go with Origin or Alienware, you will not come out ahead in the long run - you will get hosed big time buying from these vendors getting the kind of hardware that you want (not to mention Alienware is Dell crap). iBUYPOWER is very sketchy and most of the time they cheap out on critical components like power supplies which if you need to be replaced, you will not have a good time getting that done unless you do it yourself.

Where I work we build most of our systems in house and if you've got that kind of IT department that can build and maintain systems, you're better off doing that in the long run. In the short run a system like that might seem like a good idea because of customer service. But if a part goes down, getting a replacement in the warranty time frame can cost you more in the short run, and that is one of those things that you have to ask yourself - how much can that system down time cost you?

A system that you build and maintain yourself - if a part goes down you can replace it almost immediately with no jumping through endless tech support to get a replacement part. All the component manufacturers have their own warranties and tech support and most are fairly good at getting replacements out to you if something goes wrong. But you can also replace it yourself immediately and get back up and running with zero down time.


Mar 6, 2012
I can't speak for my IT department, but I think they are capable, but not sure if they would want to. I personally am capable, having done my home system, but I don't want to be stuck being the IT dept. for those using the systems should problems arise.

Any suggestions for going the non-diy route?