R9 Fury (air) and R9 Nano(X) crossfire. Good idea or not?


Oct 23, 2015
Just a question about possible performance if I get these two in crossfire. I would like to know if it is a good idea to pair that giant tri x Fury with much smaller Nano or Fury X? I could go for another regular one again but I have small amount of space to work with and I'm keeping tabs on Fury X just because it's a watercooled card and will produce less heat.
So the question is - is it a good idea to crossfire these two cards? Or go with same Tri X air cooled design?

Also I would like to add that I'm not buying second card soon and I will probably wait for a price drop till the next series of gpu's comes out. Next line of gpus might change my mind but as of now is combining these cards a good idea?