Review my PC build!


Nov 1, 2015
Right, I have come to the decision to share my build that I am confident in. I have watched many reviews of the cbosen CPU, and have come to the conclusion that yes, if i had the money I would go for an i7, howeverI dont, and I have decided that i want to use the Fx 8350 over the i5 4460k after watching a huge amount of reviews, and experiencing performance in real life! Ok the i5 may be slightly better, however the Fx 8350 does beat the i5 in some areas and even pulls more Fps in certain high intensity games on PC.
here is the build- suggestions would be nice- and yes I am going to OC the CPU to try and reach speeds like 4.5-4.6 however i know i need a better cooler!
I hate to admit it but the fx-83xx series is just getting old. It's over 3+ years old. I really suggest for gaming to get a i5 and good gpu based on your monitor's capabilities.

The following build is cheaper than your original build but it is a higher performing system.
CPU: i5-4460 : very strong and will give you overall better performance than an overclocked 83xx in games.
GPU: sometimes the 960 wins, but usually the 380 does more so. And the 380 sells for the same price. Get the 380 (256 bit bus) instead of the 960 (128 bit), then you can get the 4gb for the same price as the 960. Overall, win win.
PSU: a slightly larger PSU is nice in case you upgrade your GPU one day.



Nov 1, 2015

Oh really? Nice suggestion thank you!
Im happy you are not an intel fanboy- every time i post an AMD build that i kknow is jst nearly as capable as an i5 i get the fanboys raging at me to change to intel!
Get the 8320 instead of the 8350. When you overclock those CPUs they are almost the same. However, the 8320 sells for less. The only area where the 8350 is better is at stock. Once overclocked the difference disappears.

The money you saved there could get you a 4gb 960. You really want that instead. 2gb isn't cutting it like it used to. Well, 2gb was fine in 2013.

By swapping those parts, you increased your systems performance at the same price.

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor (£108.89 @ CCL Computers)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 960 4GB Video Card (£179.98 @ Dabs)
Four things I would change:
1) Why would you get the FX-8350? It is the exact same thing as FX-8320 just slightly overclocked. If you want to overclock then why waste your money on 8350 when you can simply overclock the 8320 to match its performance - it's literally the same chip.
2) This motherboard is a solid overclocker:
3) If you game then getting more than 8GB of RAM is useless. 8GB vs 16GB gives little to no performance boost in gaming.
4) 212 EVO is still a good cooler and will probably handle even an overclocked system - probably not the 8-core though. You can look around for some double fan Noctua CPU coolers.

Cheers :)

GTX 960's 128-bit bus cannot utilize more than 2GB of VRAM thus there is zero difference between the 2GB and 4GB versions. Get the 2GB version = save some money.


Nov 1, 2015

Thanks kind sir, so do you think with a good cooler i could have a stable OC of my fx8320 to near the same that you could clock an 8350 for?


Mar 13, 2015
just as long as you overclock you will be about 5-10 fps lower than the i5, the FX proccesors have bad single core performance so you WILL get fps drops in games that don't use alot of cores, BF4 can use up to 8 cores i think so it will run that amazingly with no drops because your using 8 cores, another tip once you get that unpark the cores i have an AMD cpu and it helps alot performance wise, i am upgrading to intel soon though and the days of fps dropping in starcraft and minecraft will be over (sometimes i cant even get 60 fps in minecraft with a gtx 760)


Nov 1, 2015

what amd cpu do you have exactly?


Mar 13, 2015
a crappy fx 4130 that i cant OC lol because the mobo is bad getting an intel though since it suites my needs better for games like starcraft my fps only drops below 60 on servers (i have 125 download 20 upload and 5 ping)


Nov 1, 2015

Well i suppose with an Fx8350 or 8320 i wouldnt see those drops


Mar 13, 2015
yes you would the single core performance difference is small obviously yes in a game that uses all cores (BF4 is the only one i know that uses that many) but most use 2 cores from my understanding, it will be a step up but not a large one unless you OC. Normally i dont get fps drops unless i play starcraft 4v4 which only uses 2 cores and takes a huge hit on my cpu and my usage sky rockets and sometimes in minecraft servers i get less than 60 fps sometimes i get 200, basically you will lose fps sometimes when your in a cpu intensive task/game that doesnt use all cores, but for the price, unlock cores and OC AMD has oc'ed a fx 8350 to 8 GHz lolol that would rape any other cpu, if you OC enough then you shouldnt drop too low


Mar 13, 2015
see look in starcraft 2 even an i3 gets betetr fps than the 8 core AMD by a decent amount because intel has better single core performance but in bf4 the FPS is near the same because the 8 weak cores are equivalent to the 4 strong cores, if you overclocked the 8 core would crush the i7 in bf4 lol but then an i3 beats the 8350 in starcraft where as intel performs well in all games, sadly not all games use 8 cores if they did intel would be in trouble

FX 8-core will never come close to "crushing" the i7 in BF4. Please watch your bias.


That is stupid, what are you even talking about. YES! I HAVE WATCHED THAT VID 2 YEARS AGO!

8 Ghz under some liquid nitrogen crap. Does not matter the game, FX 8-core will not match i7's performance.

Excuse me? i7 is way above the FX-8320/8350/8370. Even FX-9590 is pretty much an FX-8320 on crack. If you overclock the i7-4790K then even FX-9590 will be in the dust.
I hate to admit it but the fx-83xx series is just getting old. It's over 3+ years old. I really suggest for gaming to get a i5 and good gpu based on your monitor's capabilities.

The following build is cheaper than your original build but it is a higher performing system.
CPU: i5-4460 : very strong and will give you overall better performance than an overclocked 83xx in games.
GPU: sometimes the 960 wins, but usually the 380 does more so. And the 380 sells for the same price. Get the 380 (256 bit bus) instead of the 960 (128 bit), then you can get the 4gb for the same price as the 960. Overall, win win.
PSU: a slightly larger PSU is nice in case you upgrade your GPU one day.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor (£137.80 @ Amazon UK)
Motherboard: MSI H97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£66.16 @ Dabs)
Memory: Kingston Beast 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory (£35.44 @ Amazon UK)
Video Card: MSI Radeon R9 380 4GB Video Card (£176.99 @ Amazon UK)
Case: NZXT S340 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case (£54.72 @ CCL Computers)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (£63.31 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £534.42

What do you think?